Monday, February 3, 2014

A Pictorial of Wild Edible Delicousness to Wet Your Appetite for Spring/Summer Foraging

Here are some of the dishes I have tried. I will try to find more to post about later.

Strawberry Topping on Cheesecake (Wild Strawberries, but not the Duchesnea indica variety that is not very palatable)

Wintergreen Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (Gaultheria procumbens)

Wild/Concord Grape Jelly  - mixture from my gardens and my foraging (Vitis labrusca and riparia)

Wild Ginger Ice Cream (with Chocolate Chips- Asarum canadense)

Serviceberry Tarts (Amelanchier rotundifolia)

Golden Raspberry Jam (Rubus idaeus)

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